The Austin Stone Staff Handbook

Attached below is our Staff Handbook. Some sections or policies in the handbook are summarized, so please view the related articles below for all sections or policies with additional information. 

FAQ's about the Staff Handbook

Who does this handbook apply to?

The version linked here is specific to all groups within our Austin Stone team.  For Residents, look for your particular version either already out or coming soon. In each version, sections 1 and 2 are virtually the same, while the third section will be more particular to features of the differently structured groups within our team (Austin Stone employees, shared staff-including Reliant and Launch Global, etc.).  For this version, the following sections will apply.
● Austin Stone employees (all handbook sections apply)
● Shared staff - includes Reliant and Launch Global (handbook sections 1 and 2 apply)
How do I know if I'm an Austin Stone employee? 

If you receive your paycheck from The Austin Stone, then you are an employee of The Austin Stone. Other staff types that work on our team include shared staff and ASI residents.

What if I am not an Austin Stone employee? 

For shared staff, or ASI residents, sections 1 and 2 are relevant to you.  

If I have questions, how do I get them answered? 

Have a conversation with your supervisor to talk through any questions about the handbook or related policies.