
Discovery is the first step in our Assimilation Process and is designed to tell new attenders "who we are" as The Austin Stone. It is a twenty-minute gathering that should take place on Sundays before or after service.

Main Point

The Main Point of Discovery is:

God is doing exciting things at The Austin Stone that you want to be a part of, and there are clear next steps to take to get involved with what God is doing here. The most important step to take is to join the next Connect Class.

Leader Guide

The Leader Guide is attached below, and contains everything a staff member or ministry leader needs to put on a successful Discovery event.

Discovery Leader Guide

Facilitator Script

The Facilitator Script starts on page 20 of the Leader Guide. This script is for the person leading the actual Discovery event to use as they share about The Austin Stone. There are three main sections:

  1. Our Campus Family and Its Rhythms
  2. Some Big Ways God is Working Right Now
  3. Next Steps to Getting Connected
The Facilitator Script includes several sections that should be customized for your campus. These are clearly marked in the script. Facilitators should take time to prepare and supply their own content for these sections.

If you have questions, comments, or feedback about the Discovery Leader Guide or Facilitator Script, contact the Managing Director of The Austin Stone Institute, John Murchison (