Medical: What to do and say while at the doctor
When you are asked for your insurance card or insurance information-
You state "I am a private/cash pay patient and do not have traditional insurance. I would like to take advantage of any discounts you have available and I will need an itemized receipt/bill/statement."
When you pay for your services-
Pause, consider the incident total cost (Incident total = add up all the pre-discount costs of all bills (doctor visits, prescriptions, lab work, imaging, therapy, etc.) associated with this incident
- If the incident total is greater than $1,250, this is a CHM eligible expense, you ask to be put on a payment plan and use your own credit card to pay the payments. Make sure you are getting good discounts before paying!
- If the incident total is less than $1,250, this will be paid for from your HRA, you can use your EBC Benefits Card to pay for the service.
Ask for an itemized receipt/bill/statement-
Sometimes the doctor's office can give you an itemized bill at the time of service, but not always. If they can give it to you right then, that is great! If not, you will need them to mail you the statement. You will probably have to call the office to request the statement after a few weeks.
You'll need to make sure that they include the following on your bill:
✅ Date of service
✅ Patient's name
✅ Provider's name and address (using the office letterhead is great!)
✅ List of services (CPT codes or a full description of service)
✅ Charge for EACH service
✅ Private/cash pay discount amount (if applicable)
✅ Total paid (or due) after any discounts
If you are getting a prescription-
Refer to this document for Prescription Details.
If you need help-
If you're having issue, and haven't found an answer in HelpScout, just contact Denise for help.
Denise Moss (512) 572-6014