Why are my CCB events/reservations being declined?

    *If your event request does not meet these guidelines, that means your request is not clear.
    *If your event is not clear, that means it’s causing confusion.
    *If your event is going to cause confusion, we need to decline the request.
    *If we decline the request, you’ll need to re-enter the event and re-request the resource.  You will receive an email saying the event was declined and why, but there will be no record of that event in CCB any longer.

Here are the few ways you can avoid your event being declined…

1. If when you create the event you select “Rooms & Resources needed,” but you don’t actually select a room or resource, your event will be declined.

  • If entering an event that does not require a room at one of our facilities then please make sure not to select the option “Add Rooms & Resources" when creating your event.
  • If your event does require a conference room at the offices, please still select “Rooms & Resources not needed” and then remember to book your conference room this way.
  • If you are not ready to select a room when you are first creating the event do select the option "Add Rooms & Resources." The tab “Rooms & Resources” will not show up in this event, but when you are ready to select the room or resource you can edit the event and change the option to “Rooms & Resources needed” and the tab will appear.
  • Why does this matter?
    • We want to remind you to book the room needed. It's easy to forget this step! 

2. If do not choose a Resource that is associated with the Room, your event will be declined.

  • We do understand there are some exceptions to why you might not choose to have a Resource, so you will need to indicate that in the “General Notes” section. The same goes for when you request the Auditorium but not AV.
  • Some examples of this might be you are purposely not requesting Childcare when you request the Preschool Hallway because you aren’t actually offering Childcare, but rather are just wanting to make sure no other event is happening in that area, or you will be bringing in a Passport sound system to the auditorium and only needing to use the preset lights from the wall switch.
  • Why does this matter?
    • This is how we can help make sure that your event runs smoothly. It is only going to do that if you have all the Resources in place that you need.

3. If you did not enter your event times plus setup and cleanup times correctly, your event will be declined.

  • Your event time should only be the time of the actual meeting time.  Here’s another way to think about it: during what time(s) do you expect your guests to attend?  That’s the event time.
  • Setup/Cleanup time is any other time you need before or after the event.  
  • We understand there will be team meetings where no setup or cleanup time is required. For those events, it’s ok to leave the setup and cleanup times blank.  
  • Why does this matter?  
    •  If your event requires security, the event time is the time that’s being communicated to our officers.  To make sure that you’re not paying for security when you don’t need it, please make sure the event time is the event time.
    • The Facility Team uses this information to schedule security, janitorial, and maintenance work for the building. For example, if they know the Auditorium is being used from 9-5 on a Friday for a large event, they may choose to postpone maintenance work in the lobby until the following week.  The more accurate our data, the better decisions we can all make. 

If you have any questions about your events or other features on CCB, please feel free to reach out to Meagan