Large External Gifts >$1,000 from Attenders/Partners

Staff members may accept cash or gifts from church attenders/partners, however the church will not accept cash or gifts designated for individual staff members. Any gifts received by staff members from church attenders/partners will not be tax deductible to the donor. Cash or gifts from church attenders/partners valued greater than $1,000 should be reported on the form below for the Executive Team's review.

Some examples of large external gifts to disclose

If a partner or attender…

  • lets you stay at a house they own for free, when valued >$1,000
  • gifts you tickets to a concert or event valued >$1,000
  • gives you a computer valued >$1,000 they no longer use
  • gives you a discount >$1,000 on a car they are selling you
  • gives you a golf cart valued >$1,000 they no longer use
  • any other gift from a partner or attender that would be valued >$1,000

This policy is also listed in the Elder-approved Financial Policy and Procedures of the Austin Stone.