After You Record

After You Record and Edit

1. Return SD Card to Camera

• Please return the SD Card to the camera before leaving. This is an easy piece to get lost.

• IMPORTANT: Remember that the next person to use the studio will ERASE the card. Make sure you have all of your footage on the Working Drive before leaving The Studio.

2. Return Apple Boxes to Corner

• Please return the Apple Boxes you used to their place in the corner of the room.

3. Plug In iPad

• If the iPad was used during your shoot, please carefully remove it from the teleprompter, and connect it to the charging cable next to the computer.

4. Turn Off Lights, Camera, Monitor

• Use the power strip switch in the corner of the room to turn off the lights, camera, and monitor.

• You can turn on the florescent lights now if you’d like.

5. Turn Off "On Air" Signs - (Coming Soon)

• Use the switch to turn off the "On Air" signs.

6. Open Rope Gates

• Don’t forget to open both Rope Gates whenever you’re done using the studio.

7. Open Double Doors

• Pease open the double doors again once you’re done recording so people know you are finished.