MBTI Resources for Teams and Supervisors

The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory is a helpful tool to help individuals understand more about their own personality and behavior, and to help teams work together with greater effectiveness and greater care for each other.

Many teams at The Austin Stone have had each individual take the MBTI Step II assessment to understand more about their team members and team dynamics. If your team would like to take this MBTI assessment and be trained on how to work well together based on the results, contact ASI team member Lindsay Funkhouser for more information at lindsay@austinstone.org.

If your team already has everyone's results, the following tools and exercises can be used to help your team grow in understanding each other, and thereby grow in effectiveness and love for each other as you work together.

Exercise 1 - Leadership in a Team

The objective of this exercise is to initiate discussion from team members about what they need to excel, what’s keeping them back, and what are necessities vs. preferences. This exercise can lead team members to better understand why others work differently than they do, and will give opportunities for the supervisor and team members to ensure that everyone feels valued and cared for.

Leadership in a Team Exercise

Exercise 2 - Enhance Your Team's Work Style

The objective of this exercise is to facilitate growth of a healthy work environment where team members proactively communicate with one another and the team leader, and to increase team morale and effectiveness by talking through how to best work together. This exercise gives an opportunity for each team member to share their needs and preferences to work most effectively.

Enhance Your Team's Work Style Exercise

MBTI Master Grid

This grid, compiled by Lindsay from various sources, can help you better understand a team member, employee, supervisor, or yourself based on MBTI type.

To use the grid, identify the row with the MBTI type of the person. Then, hover over each box in the row to learn more. This grid gives each personality type's:

  • greatest strength, or superpower
  • greatest weakness, or Achilles' heel
  • motivation
  • learning style
  • leadership type
  • leadership blindspot
MBTI Master Grid