Events: Tablecloth Best Practices

As a Facilities Team, we have seen our fair share of events come through our buildings and thus, have a pretty good idea of best practices for tablecloths. If you're not sure whether you should buy or rent, store or donate, this is the article for you!

If you have events on at least once a quarter:

  • Buy them! You will keep using them time after time so it's worth the purchase.
  • Get ones that will last! Since you'll be using them on a regular basis, make your ministry dollars count by buying quality. It's more money up front but, believe us, over time, it will definitely save you time and money by not having to wrestle the tablecloths into looking presentable each time.
  • Take care of them! Store them nicely, folding them each time. Your event looks more polished when the tablecloths don't look like they've been wadded up in your car for 2 months (even if they have been). 
  • Make sure you have a good place to store them! Get bins that are sufficient to hold up to heavy tablecloths and will fit in your desired storage area (Note: not the FTCC or offices unless you have a designated closet).

If you have a events less than once a quarter:

  • Rent them! The convenience of renting is that they come in perfect condition and get taken away after by the rental company. If you don't have events regularly, it may seem like an even trade to buy tablecloths for as much money as you can rent them but then you're on the hook for cleaning, steaming and storing. Not worth it!  Wherever you store them is actually taking up real estate that cost money!!
  • Borrow them! Maybe you have some at home you'd like to use, maybe another ministry team is happy to share them. Borrowing them is a good way to utilize our resources but make sure to be a good borrower and return them in better condition than you got them.


If you are renting or buying, here are the set sizes for tablecloths.

  • 48" round tables: 108" linens
  • 60" round tables: 120" linens
  • 6' rectangle tables: 90"x132" linens
  • 8' rectangle tables: 90"x156" linens