Six Security Tips for Your Event

Here are some practical steps to make our buildings and your ministry as safe and secure as possible. These apply to everyone on staff and anyone utilizing our Austin Stone Facilities.

Security Tips:

  • Do not prop or unlock exterior doors. Unless you have security (in which case we can have the doors automatically unlock -- message Zach Hansen (N & NW), Blane Robbins (S & STJ), or Ricky Lobera (W) to inquire), you will need to have someone greeting guests at the door.
  • When possible, don’t prop interior doors. We understand there are times this can provide a more welcoming and hospitable atmosphere by having clear access. We recommend the double swipe feature instead that unlocks the door for 1 hour. If you do decide to prop the door, you must close it when you leave.
  • Childcare must be official and on the books. It must be coordinated through the KIDS Director of the campus in which it is happening. Even if there are only two kids, not going through the official channels creates liability for TAS. No exceptions.
  • Volunteers/Leaders “hosting” an event must be trained. We all want to develop leaders who can serve our church well without us always having to be there.  If they are going to be leading an event and/or if you have requested a prox card or key for them, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for making sure they know how to use our facilities.  That means they know the information on Help Scout + in the Keycard Agreement.
  • Don’t assume someone else will close down your event or meeting. If you are the host, the leader, or the one in charge, you MUST ensure the event is “shut down”. This means closing doors, putting tables/chairs away, picking up trash, walking through the space, etc. If you know you will not be able to be the one to do this, you need to designate one person to be accountable.
  • After the event, make sure all doors are locked and secured
    • Check all exterior doors (and we do mean all doors)It may seem like a big task, but consider that there have been many times that the buildings have been left vulnerable for DAYS at a time because a group left without making sure this was done! Help keep everyone’s stuff safe: check the doors.
    • Check all meeting space doors that were used. Make sure they are closed.  If you ever see a door propped to an empty meeting room, close it!

      Thanks for helping us keep all our spaces safe and secure so we can continue to grow our ministries and influence this city for His glory!