Workers' Compensation

The Austin Stone has provided, for our employees, workers' compensation coverage in case you are injured at work.   Our workers' compensation uses the Coventry Workers' Comp Network of doctors to provide covered treatment.

Accident Report Form

Supervisors - Complete this document and return it to HR as soon as possible: Supervisors-Report of Accident

What do you do when you experience a life threatening injury at work?

  • Go to the nearest emergency room!  If you are injured at work after normal business hours or while working outside your service area, you should go to the nearest care facility.  
  • Tell your supervisor and HR as soon as you can.

What do you do when you experience a non-life threatening injury at work?

  • Tell your supervisor and HR as soon as you can.
  • Choose a treating doctor from the Coventry network service area where you live.  A list of Coventry doctors is posted here: Find an In-Network Coventry Provider.
  • You must obtain all treatment and referrals for your injury from your treating doctor.
  • Your treating doctor will be paid by your workers' compensation insurer and will not bill you for treatment.
  • If you receive treatment for your injury from providers who are not in the Coventry network, you may have to pay for that care.

You can learn more about our Coventry Workers' Comp Network of providers here: