External Events

External Event Requests

An External Event is any event that is not directly associated with an Austin Stone Ministry Team. We are happy to share the blessing of our buildings and spaces with our Partners and non-profit organizations. If a Partner or non-profit organization contacts you about the use of one of our buildings, please share the link to this form with them. This request form can be used for requesting space at any one of our buildings. Once the form is received, the Facilities Team will take it from there!

Due to safety and liability concerns, The Austin Stone cannot accommodate event requests where minors are not under parental supervision while on our property.

Nothing in life is ever free...

And that includes the use of our facilities. While the intention is not to make money, there is a cost involved in using a building: security, janitorial, A/V support, event host, etc. The Facilities Team works diligently with organizations/individuals to ensure costs are not prohibitive to holding their event. There is always the opportunity for your team or ministry to bless an organization by covering a portion or all of the costs for an event. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Beth, Amy, or Sarah!