West Campus Self-serve Audio/Visual


An A/V self-serve option is a way to allow both internal ministries and groups external to The Austin Stone to have access to A/V capabilities for a high-quality experience while using Austin Stone facilities. The self-serve component in the auditorium is completely separate from the Sunday morning production equipment, systems, and settings. 

All settings and controls are run from one touchpad located in the production area/booth in the auditorium. From the touchpad, a user will be able to access and control the projector for a presentation, video audio, microphones/other audio inputs, lights, stage curtain, window coverings, and large screen. There is no need to use any other equipment. If the event requires anything further - streaming/broadcasting, video capture, or more than two stage inputs - please contact either a Building and Events Associate or the Campus Production Manager prior to the event.


  1. To log into the self-serve system - Touch the pad to turn on the pad screen
  2. Choose “Self Serve”
  3. Enter the Password 1111

4. Power on the system - Choose either Audio Only or Audio + Video

Description of each Component

From the self-serve home screen, all aspects of audio, video, lighting, shades, and curtains can be controlled. (Shades are related to the West campus only) Each aspect can be operated from the Home screen but can be expanded by choosing the corresponding option at the bottom of the screen. 

Audio Levels

HH 1 and HH 2 are Handheld Microphones 1 and 2 and can be found in the production booth. These are the only two microphones that will work with the system.

Video is any audio input from a computer plugged into the system with the red HDMI cable at FOH or stage HDMI.

Mic 1 and Mic 2 are stage-only inputs (stage pockets). The input type defaults to mic and must be changed to guitar or device depending on what is being used.

Each of these inputs has a corresponding slider to control volume and mute button.


Choose the appropriate input

  • Stage HDMI  - outlets in stage pockets
  • FOH HDMI - use the red HDMI cable
  • FOH Video Switcher - only for use with Propresenter and proper training
  • FOH RESI Streaming - unavailable at this time

If the system has turned on and is connected correctly, the screen will show either cyan (stage input) or yellow (FOH input).

The confidence monitor above the production booth is automatically powered on when the system is started.

Lighting Presets

Choose the appropriate lighting

1 - Most of the house lights, suitable for mingling

2 - Darker setting for worship

3 - Dark for watching videos/movies

4  through 6 - differing levels of darkness for teaching from the stage. 

6 - Lighting appropriate for teaching from the floor or stage

Change the lighting as needed throughout the event/meeting/presentation.


Shades cover the windows and can be closed, open, or partially open/closed. While shades are raising/lowering, choose Stop. (They will stop at the same level even if they are moving a little differently.)

Stage Curtain can be closed or opened. If the large screen is used, the curtain needs to be closed. There is no partial open/closed option available for the curtain.

Screen operations are for the large screen used in conjunction with the large projector. 

The small screen is always in the lowered position and cannot be raised.


Turn on the projector and open the lens

Small Projector uses the small screen (curtain open)

Large Projector uses the large screen (curtain closed with large screen dropped)

Both projectors should never be used at the same time.

Power Down

5. Power off the system and log out

Be sure to take this final step prior to leaving the auditorium

When in doubt...

You are highly encouraged to contact the Production Team if you are uncomfortable running these systems or require more than just a "plug and play" setup. Please use the Worship/Production Request form to submit your request to the Production Team.