Security Incident Report Form

We deeply value the security and protection of the people that God has put in our care. With this in mind, there may be times or instances when something happens to challenge the protections we have in place. In order to help gain understanding of the situation, create the best next steps, and keep leadership informed of current concerns, we have created this Security Incident Report where you can provide as many details as you can recall so that the Facilities Operations Team can more easily support communication and next steps. 

Please note: To better understand the wholistic support our officers and security policies provide, we are broadly defining security incident to also include anything that utilizes the guidance and support of our officers. This could mean that something is reported while at a facility not just something occurs at a facility or official gathering, situations that are concerning or questionable, etc.

Other important notes:

  1. This form will always be open and you may fill it out as many times as necessary. 
  2. You may also share this form with anyone in our church body who is party to the incident. 
  3. This form does not eliminate other necessary security steps that the situation may require.

We hope this avenue to communicate security instances to leadership is a help to you and a provision of protection for our body. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to anyone on the Facilities Operations Team.