Internal Event Decoration Guide

As The Austin Stone’s spaces are frequently used for events, we want to make sure that everyone hosting events at The Austin Stone is following the same set of guidelines. We want to take care of our spaces and ensure that we’re able to make the best use of them for everyone and every ministry. The Building and Events team is always here to help so if you have questions after reading this document, please feel free to reach out to for help.

Hanging Decorations

It is recommended that temporary decorations not be hung during events if at all possible. We are always in support of standing signs and floor supported decor but realize that may not always be possible. If you plan to hang decorations, follow the prescribed guidelines after communicating plans clearly to The Austin Stone Event staff and securing approval for your plans.

Hanging On Walls

  • The only adhesive allowed for event decorations on walls or doors is poster putty
  • All poster putty must be removed at the end of the event. 
  • Janitorial services do not include removing poster putty or decorations from walls. 

Hanging From Ceiling

  • Decorations may never be hung from light fixtures. 
  • Internal event planners have the option to attach decorations to the building truss if they want them suspended from above. 
    • This may be done using the lift TAS owns (avoiding rental fees); however, it must be done with the cooperation of an authorized lift operator and scheduled well ahead of time to confirm that the lift is available and on location. 
    • Contact the Maintenance Manager, Johnny Rodriguez, to schedule use of the lift.

Hanging On Glass

  • Please be sure that you are not attaching anything to glass on top of installed vinyl decals. 
  • Please do not use packing tape, scotch tape, or duct tape on glass windows or doors. Sign holders with suction cups are the preferred method of handing signs on glass. Painter’s tape can be used in an emergency situation.
  • You may not remove any existing vinyl decals on our glass for any reason. 


Internal events may work with the production department if they want to adjust the lighting for an auditorium event but this can only happen with their direct supervision—no exceptions.

Special Effects

Haze can never be used for any event at any campus. For further information, please reference this DOC.


When booking an event that will provide food, schedule the event for a room without carpeting if such a space is available. If there is any residue or heavy soiling, there will be an increased janitorial fee.