St. John - Flooring Updates

We are all benefiting from the facility upgrades here at FTCC and look forward to how they will help us further use our facilities for God’s Kingdom. In light of new amenities, we do want to communicate a few new standards to you and your teams. This will definitely not be an exhaustive guide so if you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to Sarah Butler or Amy Goss for clarification. 

Flooring Care Guide

Pick Up or Roll - NEVER drag. Please make sure that if you are moving anything on the new floor (Chairs / Tables / Sofas / etc), you pick the item up to move it or utilize a dolly or cart with wheels. It’s always okay to ask for help. 

Wipe up Spills. If you spill your coffee or favorite smoothie, please do your best to clean up that spot and then let the maintenance team know if it needs a deeper cleaning. You should be able to find a swiffer wet jet along the back hallway / green room area and clorox wipes in cabinets throughout to help you along the way. 

Auditorium Chairs

Plan to Reset the Auditorium. If you are planning to utilize the auditorium moving forward, please make sure you plan enough time (and help) for resetting the chairs properly as a part of your clean up. 

Chair Stacks Need a Home, Too. If you book the auditorium and want to use the folding tables and chairs instead, you will need to plan to store the cushion chairs during your gathering. All of the chair stacks won’t fit in the chair storage, so make sure you plan for a temporary home for the stacks, too. 

New Decor / Furnishings

Keep Items in Their Homes. We love having flexibility within our spaces however many of our furnishings have become more specific to rooms. It’s imperative that furnishings stay where they are so please don’t make plans to move a console table or soft seating to a new space even if it’s temporary.