Definitions and Categories for FY24 Staff Gatherings
Aim & Objectives
Our Tuesday morning All Staff Gatherings at 9am are a key effort to foster Team Culture, Health, and Effectiveness. Through these meetings, we aim to lead, unify, inform, train, model, connect, equip, and inspire our staff. This fall we plan to accomplish this through a few particular ways during our time together on Tuesdays:
Team Renews
For many of us, even when we sit and engage in worship on a Sunday, it can still be difficult to fully participate when our minds get distracted with questions like, “Is that light flickering?” “Is it hot in here?” “Is he crying, maybe I should check on him?” “Is the stream stable?” and on and on. While it can’t be a replacement for the means of grace that is gathering with the Saints on a Sunday, we still want to provide regular opportunities for you to be encouraged through word and worship.
Team Trains
They're back! The dates and the rooms are booked and we are working to finalize the teachers as to which breakouts we will be offering this semester. Once those are finalized, we will send out a form for you to fill out and select which break out you want to attend! Stay tuned.
Team Updates & Encouragement
Finally, there are a few Tuesdays that we have set aside for us to meet ALL TOGETHER for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we write Christmas Cards to our partners, other times we do ministry or strategic updates, and other times we do something fun.
Wait, what about the Tuesdays marked as FOCUS GROUPS?
Good question, Julie!
First, please DO NOT plan another meeting during this time.
We've reserved some Tuesdays for Focus Groups. These will help us explore ways to enhance Staff Engagement based on our recent survey. We are working with BCWI (the organization that ran the survey) to determine what Focus Groups we need. It would be ideal to use these open Tuesdays where possible to run these focus groups. So, until we have all this planned and sorted out, please don’t plan another meeting during this time.