Benefits Open Enrollment 2025
Please see below for your TO-DOs!
Open Enrollment Presentation:
- Video of Presentation
- SlideShow (Denise)
TO-DO: Change Medical, Dental, or Vision election for 2025
If you do NOT want to make any changes to your benefits, you do NOT need to follow these steps!
If you do want to make changes to your benefits... have until end of day Friday, October 18th to do so by following these steps:
- Log onto UKG
- In the Myself menu, click Open Enrollment
- Use the Next button at the top right to click through each plan and enter your elections.
- For each plan - Medical, Dental, and Vision - enter the elections you want for 2025, even if nothing is changing in that plan.
- Example: If you currently have Family coverage for Medical, Dental, and Vision, but want to change your Vision election to be You + Spouse,
- 1) on the Medical page, elect Medical and Family coverage,
- 2) on the Dental page, elect Dental and Family coverage, and
- 3) on the Vision page, elect Vision and elect your new vision option of You + Spouse.
- Example: If you currently have Family coverage for Medical, Dental, and Vision, but want to change your Vision election to be You + Spouse,
- Make sure to Submit your elections on the Confirm page!
You will need to complete and return a new HIPAA form for 2025.
Complete it, take a picture, and Slack it to Angela Suh!
Follow these instructions to complete the form:
TO-DO: EBC HRA Account Wrap-Up: Deadline = 2/14/2025!
Don’t forget to wrap up your 2024 EBC HRA account by completing these tasks (if needed):
- Reimburse yourself for any eligible EBC charges that you paid for with personal funds.
- Use “File a Claim” in your EBC mobile app or EBC online portal to submit your requests for reimbursements along with any necessary documentation (e.g. itemized receipt.)
- Provide documentation for any EBC charges for which EBC has requested substantiation.
- This will most like be a request for an itemized receipt, but some charges also require a referral or explanation of medical necessity. If any charges are missing correct documentation, you have likely received an email from EBC and can also find messages in your EBC mobile app and online portal.
- Repay your HRA for any charges you put on that account which are now part of a CHM claim.
- Repay your HRA for any ineligible charges you made with your card (e.g. chiropractic/dental charges over you allowed limit single-$750, married-$1,125, family-$1,500).
Here is a link to instructions on how to do these things:
New helpful EBC/HRA document!
- To understand what is and is not covered, check out this document
- Austin Stone Health and Wellness EBC Eligible Charges
Join us for a Training Session!
It's time to sign up for your Open Enrollment meeting!
Monday - Oct 7th - 9:30AM - 11:30AM - FTCC - Ridgetop
Monday - Oct 7th - 1:30PM - 3:30PM - FTCC - Ridgetop
Tuesday - Oct 8th - 1:30PM - 3:30PM - FTCC - Ridgetop
Wednesday - Oct 9th - 9:30AM - 11:30AM - FTCC - The Attic
Wednesday - Oct 9th - 1:30PM - 3:30PM - FTCC - The Attic
Thursday - Oct 10th - 9:30AM - 11:30AM - FTCC - The Attic
Thursday - Oct 10th - 1:30PM - 3:30PM - FTCC - The Attic
To make these sessions most helpful to you, please come with any questions that you have! You may want to revisit our Austin Stone Health and Wellness Plan summary prior to the session.