Hospitality Team Resources

Welcome to the Hospitality Team Resources Page! Here you will find helpful documents and information to help you create an excellent and hospitable environment on Sunday mornings!

Hospitality Flow for 9 AM Teams

  • 7:30 AM-Leader Arrival
    • Grab a radio from the 2nd floor cage
    • Grab communion baskets from the hospitality road case
  • 7:45 AM- Volunteer Arrival 
    • Immediately begin setup roles for the coffee station (2 people), bathroom setup (1 man and 1 woman), and connect environment (everyone else).
    • Coffee station instructions are posted by the coffee machine, but can also be viewed here.
    • The connect environment instructions can be found here.
  • 8:05 AM-Huddle/Intro/Devo- During this time, leaders will lead a huddle time for your group in the volunteer/staff green room where new volunteers will be introduced, a short devotional will be shared, and hospitality assignments will be assigned (see roles below).
  • 8:20 AM-Role Assignments for pre-service and post-service roles (see roles list below)
  • 8:30 AM-8:40 AM- Prayer and breakout into morning setup roles
  • 8:45 AM-9:20 AM- Hospitality Pre-Service Roles
  • 10:10AMish- Offering during the announcements
    • The hospitality volunteers along with assigned staff members will grab the offering baskets during the 1st song of the 2nd worship set and will go to their assigned positions.
  • Post-service Roles- Those who are staying behind to count the tithe money (pre-determined by leaders) will do so in the worship green room.

Roles List

    • Setup Roles
      • Coffee Station- 2 people
      • Bathrooms- 1 man & 1 woman
      • Furniture and Banners-5+ people
    • Pre-Service Roles
      • Coffee Station- 2 people (Priority Role)
      • Gym Usher- 3 people (Priority Role)
      • East Lot Doors Greeter- 1 person 
      • West Lot Doors Greeter- 1 person 
      • East Parking Lot- 3 people (Priority Role)
      • West Parking Lot- 2 people (Priority Role)
      • Gym Doors Clicker- 1 person (Priority Role)
      • Gym Doors Greeter- 1 person
      • East Stairwell 2nd floor greeter- 1 person
    • Post Service Roles
      • Offering/Count tithe -3 people; must be a partner and at least 1 leader must be present to facilitate.