St. John's Auditorium Chair Chart

The typical arrangement of chairs in the St. John auditorium is in rows (Sunday configuration). The chairs can be reconfigured to accommodate other types of event scenarios but should be returned to the Sunday configuration after the event. The chair chart schematic is below and can be downloaded using this link. Please keep these guidelines in mind if the need arises to rearrange the chairs in the auditorium.

  • Chairs can be stacked around the perimeter of the auditorium. Stacks should not be more than eight chairs high.
  • Dollies to move the chairs are located in the chair closet behind the stage.
  • Please do not drag stacks of chairs across the floor.
  • Depending on the activity around the building, chairs can be stored out of the way in either Ridgetop or the preschool foyer. These areas should be reserved alongside the auditorium as well so another group does not inadvertently reserve a room full of chairs.