Teardown Team Resources

Teardown Flow 

Pretasks before huddle: Leaders should pick up their volunteer radios in the cage to use during teardown. Ensure that the radios are tuned to channel 1. 

  • What are the following responsibilities and roles?
    • 10 minutes-Chairs
      • All hands on deck immediately after service. Once all chairs are stacked, they will be stored in the first classroom on the left hallway in front of the Eastside Elevator. (It sounds confusing, but feel free to ask a staff member or teardown volunteer and they'd be happy to point you in the right direction.)
      • NOTE for the above: Once chairs are stacked, the group will do a quick huddle in front of the stage for additional roles before storing chairs.
    • 3 minutes- Roles Assignments 
      • Be sure that you explain to the volunteers the importance of storing the equipment away appropriately and neatly. It helps the setup team for the next week, because they expect to find this equipment in its proper place. It also helps affirm to the school that we are stewarding the space that they’ve lent us well and following their requests on how things should be stored.   


  • PRODUCTION GEAR TEAM (1 Core Volunteer+ 5 Volunteers)
    • 2 people begin with tying up the drape. Lower the truss by going to the Austin Stone control panel and turning the “truss” knob to down, then push the green button. In case of an emergency stop, push the red button in. 
    • 4 others begin doing production teardown support such as rolling up wires (wire roles are only applicable if the Service Teams Director has notified the Teardown leader that this is a need, otherwise staff members are assigned to help do this task) and moving subspeakers out of the gym.
      • Subspeakers are located in the very front of the stage. Pick them up and place their black protective cover on them, which are located behind the stage for safekeeping. 
      • Roll them to the same location the chairs are being stored.
    • Proceed back to the gym and begin taking the loaded up production road cases to the second floor cage (the caged area with the black drapes) located in front of the connect area.
  • STAGE TEAM (1 Core Volunteer+4 Volunteers)
    • Once the band and other volunteers from your team+staff have finished clearing the stage with their equipment, you will begin stage teardown. If the worship team is still working on tearing down the stage, then please go ahead and start on the front mats of the gym until they are done removing their equipment. 
      • Getting started on stage: 
        • The keyhole wrenches are stored on the top of the rack of one of the stage carts. Use this to unscrew the security brackets on the bottom of the stage. NOTE: for safety reasons, you must not be on top of the stage when this process has begun. 
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Begin with the Back Row First. The First row needs to be the very top stage pieces because they need to be the first ones off of the carts for Sunday Setup. 
    • Once stage pieces are stored, you will cart them to the auxiliary gym (ska small gym) in the corner by the emergency exit doors. 
  • SIGNAGE TEAM (1 Core Volunteer+ 3 Volunteers)
    • Use the blue pole hooks in the second floor cage to take down the ceiling signage on the 1st and 2nd floor. 
    • STORAGE: place the signs in the 2nd floor cage against the wall and tucked behind the metal storage shelf.
    • Once the ceiling signage is stored, then proceed to tearing down the banners that are hung from the 3rd floor over the 2nd floor balconies. Please store those supplies in the connect closet (located next to the second floor cage).
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: If using a ladder, there must be someone basing the ladder while another person is on the ladder for safety reasons. 
    • The Kids Volunteers are responsible for storing away all of the equipment into the storage cases and they need to be rolled out into the hallway. 
    • Once that is complete, the teardown volunteers will be responsible for rolling those cases and the mat carts to the kids storage closet located on the first floor hallways closest to the east entrance. 
    • STORAGE: The Orchestra Room (for the month of October we will not be using the Orchestra room, but will be using room 164) will also be ready for the production gear to be stored in the kids closet located on the first floor hallways closest to the east entrance. 
    • Once stored, go ahead and reset the classrooms to their proper room orientation. The QR code instructions are taped on the kids closet door.
      • Tips for Hallway Breakdowns
        • Preschool hallway- 2 person  
        • Nursery  hallway- 2 people
        • Room 164- 1 person 
  • MATS- 3-6 people
    • At this point, the teardown team tasks should be wrapping up, and as completed they will begin to start rolling the mats into the mat storage cart. 
    • This should be done by placing the roller turners on each side of the roll you’ll be attaching the mat onto. You must use one orange clip to attach the mat onto the roller before beginning. Once in place, have at least 2 people on each side of the mat facing a partner and pick up the mat. One person should plug in our automatic mat roller (oh yeah, we got one now!! woohoo!) and press the go button. This is a little slower, but requires less man power. But if you have enough people to crank the mats the old fashioned way, go for it, because it does wind the mats up faster.
    • Once completed, the mat cart should be  covered with the red mat and stored next to the white board in the big gym on the right side (opposite side of where the outdoor exit doors are).

  • 1 hour- Teardown (typically until 1:30-1:40 PM at the latest) 
  • 5 minutes-Huddle w/ staff
    • Good time to assess if any elements were missing, stored in the wrong location, or broke.
    • It serves as an opportunity to share encouraging stories, introduce new volunteers, and close out the day with our church family!
    • Leaders: return the radios to the charging dock - be sure to turn them off completely. 
  • Go to lunch every now and then! :) This is usually preplanned by the teardown team leaders.