What to do in an Emergency:
- Go get the medical care you need!
- Text or call Denise for anything! (512) 572-6014
- Once you are able, let the provider know that you are a private-pay patient and ask for the private-pay discount.
If you find yourself in an emergency situation, our first concern is you and your family's health. Please go get the medical care that you need.
If the pre-discount total seems to be under $1,250, then you can use your EBC card. For example, your total urgent care bill is $375, and no meds or follow-up appointment needed.
If you went to the ER, the pre-discount total of all your ER medical care (including prescriptions!) will likely go over $1,250. Ask to be billed and discuss options for a payment plan. If a down payment is needed, use your personal credit card (or call Denise).
If the provider states that they will not bill you and you have to pay before emergency services are done to get the private-pay discount, there are a couple of options:
- Contact the CHM Member Advocate department (1-800-791-6225). Explain the situation and see if they can get a day-of-service payment processed for you.
- Place the charge on your personal credit card. If the amount charged is a financial hardship for your family, email and request an advance from Austin Stone.
- If the two options above are not available, call or text Denise and she will place the charge on a church credit card for you to reimburse once you get a check from CHM.
These steps are to be followed in a true emergency situation where they are asking for upfront payment prior to emergency services being done. After you have had time to recover and process, make sure to follow the instructions to submit the needs through the CHM Member Portal.