Reserving Rooms and Resources in CCB

How to reserve space and/or resources in CCB

The following steps outline how to reserve meeting rooms and spaces across all campuses as well as request resources (security and janitorial). To request A/V support for your meeting/event, please use the Worship & Production Request Form.

External Events

For information about reserving space and resources for external resources, please see this article.

Due to safety and liability concerns, The Austin Stone cannot accommodate event requests where minors are not under parental supervision while on our property.

Helpful Hints

Refer to the Facility Use Calendars to ensure the date and time are available.

Congregation Teams have priority to their campus facilities on Sundays. Please confirm availability with the campus XP for any Sunday event prior to booking.

Log into CCB
Choose the Group under which the event will be added. Click Calendar and Add Event. The Add Event on the calendar day or in the grey box on the right side can be used.

The Create New Event dialog box will appear. Scroll through to Complete and click Create.

Important things to note:

  • Start Time and End Time are the Start and End Times for the event and do not include setup and cleanup time.
  • In order to choose a space and/or resources the Add Rooms & Resources box must be checked.
  • Setup and Cleanup minutes do not include the duration of the event. If the event requires security and/or janitorial, these times must be included.
  • Setup and Cleanup minutes do not trigger the HVAC system. The HVAC ramp-up time for the auditoriums is more than an hour. If you're anticipated setup is more than an hour, please create a separate event titled "Setup for XYZ" for the appropriate setup time.

Once the event has been created, Rooms and Resources can be reserved.

Select the Room(s) needed and add estimated attendance. Change the campus by using the toggle to the right of the congregation name.
For events occurring at non-Austin Stone buildings, please add the location in the “General Setup Notes” box. This will help reduce confusion on the part of our team when reviewing and approving calendar events.

Select the Resource(s) needed.

 Helpful Information

Click "Save" at the bottom right after choosing all rooms and resources. 
  • Important Information about Event Approvals

  • Once your event is in CCB, no one can reserve the same space out from underneath you.
  • Congregation Teams have priority to their campus facilities on Sundays. Please confirm availability with the campus XP for Sunday events prior to booking.
  • Your event may show as "Pending" until resources are confirmed by the Facilities Team for your event.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Goss or Sarah Butler.